Methods and practice of teaching legal studies
Mr D Brisset
12 points
* 2 hours per week
* Full-year subject
* Clayton
Prerequisites: Law units/subjects equivalent to a quarter of first and second
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understandings about the aims, objectives, content and assessment of VCE Legal Studies Units 1 to 4 as detailed in the current study design; suitable law-related topics for students below VCE level and subjects which may serve as a vehicle for the teaching of these topics; appropriate teaching strategies and support resources (human and material) for teaching Legal Studies at VCE level and law-related education across the curriculum generally. Students should have developed skills in presenting teaching activities in a manner that is appropriate to particular content, and to particular school environments; utilising available resources and strategies in order to facilitate presentations of the course content; developing units of work, teaching materials and strategies suitable for particular situations; developing and using appropriate assessment instruments for VCE Legal Studies and law-related education generally. Students should have developed values/attitudes in a belief in the desirability of students being exposed to law-related education during their secondary schooling, given the extent of the involvement of the law in everyday life; the need to present the content in a varied manner in order to facilitate positive learning outcomes; the realisation that law-related education goes beyond designated VCE subjects and has a role across the broader curriculum.
Synopsis Legal studies comprises four units at VCE level. These are normally offered in Years 11 and 12. Unit 1 provides an introduction to the need for, nature of and means of access to law through an examination of the two basic types of law: criminal and civil. Unit 2 involves several investigations of the law in operation. Unit 3 is about the law-making bodies which determine laws in Australia and the process by which laws are changed. Unit 4 focuses on the resolution of civil disputes and adjudication of criminal cases, the process and procedures which operate within the legal system, and evaluation of the legal system as a whole. Many middle school subjects contain law-related units. Instruction in the middle school area will play an important part in this study.
Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in
practice teaching and 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory
level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks
Classroom exercises: 40%
* Test: 15%
* VCE activities: 30%
Audio-visual resource: 15%
Recommended texts
Aldous J and Newson L The legal maze VCTA, 1994
Short G, Gomularz J and Orlando-Mercuri A Fair go Heinemann, 1994
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