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Teaching and curriculum studies 3

Ms J E Southcott

30 points
* 10 hours per week
* Full-year subject
* Gippsland
* Prerequisite: GEC2101

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have an increased understanding of schooling and curriculum in the context of society; be a competent beginning teaching with an understanding of current professional issues in education; have increased skills and understanding in the various curriculum areas appropriate to primary education such as computers and information technology, visual art, health education, language, languages other than English, mathematics, music, physical education, science, social studies, teaching studies; be able to plan, implement and evaluate effective classroom teaching programs that encompass the various curriculum areas appropriate to primary education.

Synopsis In this subject students will undertake studies in the various curriculum areas taught in primary schools. They will explore both theoretical and practical aspects of teaching in learning in all these areas. Critical evaluation of the ideas underlying primary school mathematics, current Australian and international mathematics curriculum statements, and research about the teaching and learning of mathematics. Language and literacy development of school-age children and literature-based program development. The use of microcomputers in information retrieval and analysis, the development of research skills needed by children to access, analyse and present information. Current professional issues in education. Critical evaluation of the ideas underlying primary school science. Research on science teaching. Current curriculum guidelines. The use of microcomputer software in the social studies curriculum. Curriculum planning in music and classroom music activities. Students will develop keyboard playing skills. The examination of curriculum statements and the planning, implementation and evaluation of units of work in physical education. An investigation of health education issues relevant to the school community's health values and aims. An examination of curriculum materials available and the development of policies and programs for schools. Investigation of art curriculum guidelines. The selection and use of visual media for classroom activities. Processes involved in second language acquisition (LOTE) programs, investigation of LOTE curriculum guidelines. Planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching sequence in which an integrated program is implemented. This subject includes a field experience component. The subject is taught by lectures, workshops, tutorials and practice sessions.

Assessment Reports (1500-2500 words): 43%
* Folio (2000 words): 10%
* Essays (2000 words): 14%
* Curriculum statement: 5%
* Keyboard test: 5%
* Resource kit and unit of work 2000 words): 10%
* Written Account: 3%
* Resource kit (ungraded, compulsory requirement)
* Database: 10%
* Successful completion of the practicum (ungraded, compulsory requirement)
* Hurdle requirements

Prescribed texts

Askew G Music education in primary schools Longman Cheshire, 1993

Australian Education Council English: A curriculum profile for Australian schools Curriculum Corporation, 1994

Dalton J Adventures in thinking Nelson, 1985

Department of Education Victoria Artmaps Dept Educ. Vic., 1987

Department of Education Victoria Guidelines in number levels 1-8 Curriculum Branch, 1985

Donatella R and others Access to health Prentice-Hall, 1988

Hancock J and Hill S Literature-based reading programs at work ARA, 1987

Hanzl A (ed.) Literature: A focus for language learning ARA, 1988

Marsh C (ed.) Teaching social studies Prentice-Hall, 1991

Mathews B J and others Learning through an integrated curriculum Dept Educ. Vic., 1986

Shuard H Primary mathematics today and tomorrow Longmans, 1986

Siedenthorp D and others Elementary physical education Prentice-Hall, 1984

Southcott J Piano class for beginners Monash University, 1994

Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework: The arts VBOS, 1995

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Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
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Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996