Computer applications in business
B J Ware
6 points
* 4 hours per week
* Gippsland: First, second semester
* Distance: First semester
* Note: This subject is not available to
computing students.
Objectives On completion of this subject students should understand the basic concepts and terminology associated with the technology of computer-based information systems; understand the ways in which computer-based information systems support business operations; understand the fundamentals of information systems development; and be able to model a range of business problems using spreadsheet and database packages on a microcomputer.
Synopsis Two parallel streams of study consider general principles and concepts of computers and application of business software packages. General stream : computer use in business and society; types of computers and applications; business information systems development; trends and social issues; data communication and networks; internal organisation and functions; the processor, input, output and storage devices; the capture, entry, processing, storage, manipulation and presentation of data. Applications stream: operating system - basic structure and capabilities, file management, basic commands; word processing - basic principles and operation, entry and edit, correction, enhancement and printing; spreadsheets - concept and structure, basic rules, commands and functions, principles of use in business; database management systems - concept and structure, design guidelines, basic rules and commands. Students must have access to a microcomputer. Study materials are based on an IBM-compatible PC with specific software packages. On-campus students are required to use packages available on the student LAN. Distance education students may use alternate software which meets the requirements of assignments. Students on campus attend two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials per week. Distance education weekend schools provide two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials.
Assessment Assignments: 30%
* Examination: 70%
Prescribed texts
Capron H L Computers and information systems: Tools for an information age 4th edn, Benjamin-Cummings, 1996
Microcomputer applications Select edn, Benjamin-Cummins, 1995
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