Clayton campus
Course code: To be advised.
The Bachelor of Computer Science degree is designed for students who want to study computing in depth, focusing on the software, the hardware and the underlying theory of computing and its applications to scientific and technical problem solving, and to information processing in commerce and industry.
Computer science can be studied as a discipline in its own right or in combination with a wide variety of other subjects, some from other departments and other faculties. The course aims to offer students wishing to pursue a computing career the opportunity to combine their computing studies with additional material appropriate to their chosen career.
Graduates completing the Bachelor of Computer Science are eligible for level 1 membership of the Australian Computer Society.
Students who combine computer science with accounting and meet the standard for entry to the honours (fourth year) can complete accounting studies leading to professional accreditation with the Australian Society of Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants; in addition, they satisfy the Australian Computer Society membership requirements.
Students enrolled in a variety of degrees (eg BA, BSc and BEc) may take a major, minor or individual subjects in computer science. It has been common to combine computer science and accounting in the BSc degree and in the Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) degree. The Bachelor of Computer Science replaces the Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science). The Bachelor of Computer Science is an alternative and not a replacement for the BSc.
The prerequisite is a grade average of D or above in VCE Mathematical Methods 3 and 4 and in English. (VCE Specialist Mathematics is recommended.) Students must also have VCE prerequisites appropriate for any first-year subject which they take.
For course map details, please refer to Map 7A in the `Undergraduate course maps' section.
The course for the pass degree, Bachelor of Computer Science can be completed in three years of full-time study. It includes both compulsory and optional subjects selected from the range of computer science subjects, plus subjects chosen from those offered by other departments or faculties.
The course for the pass degree consists of subjects to a total value of 144 points, with a major in computer science (seventy-two points), corequisite studies in mathematics (twelve points) and at least one minor (twenty-eight points) in another discipline (computing or non-computing).
In the pass degree, computer science subjects must total at least seventy-two points. They occupy at least one-quarter (twelve points) of the first-year load, at least one-half (twenty-four points) of the second-year load, and at least one-half (twenty-four points) of the third-year load. The remaining twelve points may be selected from first, second or third year computer science electives. In addition, the course requires approved mathematics subjects to a value of at least one-quarter (twelve points) of first year.
In general, a maximum of sixty points of first-year subjects may be counted towards the degree. Students must complete at least thirty-six points of second-year subjects, and at least thirty-six points of third-year subjects.
Popular joint majors for third-year computer science students have been accounting, mathematics and the humanities. Digital systems, business and economics, psychology, biology, information systems, philosophy and many others are also sensible combinations. Students contemplating undertaking a computing double major should be aware that special arrangements may be required and should seek advice to discuss course options. In particular, students also majoring in digital systems may count up to eight points of digital systems subjects as computer science electives, provided at least sixteen points of second year computer science subjects and twenty-four points of third-year computer science subjects are completed.
First-year coordinator: Associate Professor Ingrid Zukerman
The first-year subjects serve both as a general introduction to computer science and as a prerequisite for further studies. They may be taken either by students wishing to major in computer science or by students whose major interest is in some other branch of science, arts, economics, or another discipline area. They are also ideal for students who wish to combine computing with another discipline and graduate with a major in both disciplines.
The first-semester subject CSC1011 covers basic programming skills and gives an introduction to computer science. The second-semester subject CSC1030 develops the students' understanding of algorithms, data structures and computer systems.
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Computer Science are required to take twelve points of first-year mathematics or the equivalent. Approved mathematical sequences are:
Students intending to take second-year mathematics are advised to consult with the Department of Mathematics on their choice of first-year mathematics subjects.
Second-year coordinator: Dr Ronald Pose
The second year core subjects aim to develop a firm foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science, namely operating systems; formal methods; algorithms and data structures and software engineering. In addition, at least 8 points of second year computer science electives broaden the student's view of computation and its applications.
Third-year coordinator: Dr Sid Ray
Students wishing to major in computer science must take the core third year subjects of CSC3050, CSC3080 and CSC3230 together with at least one project (CSC3010, CSC3020 or CSC3150) and at least eight points of additional third-year computer science subjects. The eight points of additional third-year computer science subjects may not include a project. However, additional projects may be taken to meet the seventy-two point requirement.
Coordinator: Dr Kim Marriott
Selected students achieving a credit or better in third-year computer science can choose to take an honours year in computer science. This honours degree is suitable for good students who want to gain a deeper understanding of computer science. An honours degree in computer science opens many career opportunities. Students with honours are particularly sought after by employers, and can choose from more interesting research and development positions because of their extra skills and proven abilities. An honours degree also leads on to postgraduate study, which is necessary for an academic career or a career in industrial research.
To be admitted to the honours year, students require an average of a credit or better result in the third year core computer science subjects and in their best eight points of other third year computer science non-project subjects. Entry to the honours year may be subject to quota restrictions.
Each honours student undertakes a substantial individual project which may be selected from a list suggested by the department or of the student's own devising, subject to approval. The project includes writing a thesis and an oral presentation and carries 42 per cent of the total weight of the year's work. The remaining 58 per cent of the year's work is coursework. Honours students are required to take seven units out of those offered each year. Assessment is typically by practical work, written work and/or examination. Subject to approval by the coordinator, the student may replace one of these units with other subjects such as mathematics, electrical engineering, accounting or third-year computer science.
The Department of Computer Science organises a regular series of seminars, often including interstate and overseas visiting computer scientists. All honours students should attend these seminars. Attendance at all seminars is a prerequisite for passing the honours course.
Units taught in the honours year vary from year to year depending on the research interests of the staff. The following is a list of units taught in previous years. In 1996 - foundations of cognitive science, causal reasoning, logic programming for compiler writing, geometric modelling and advanced topics in graphics, pattern recognition and image processing, telecommunications, natural language processing, cryptography, parallel systems, persistence. Prior to 1996 - functional programming, VLSI design, natural language processing, advanced object-oriented idioms in C++, constraint logic programming, parallel programming, information theory, advanced topics in algorithms.
The honours program in computer science/accounting is available to students with an average of a credit or better result in the third year core computer science subjects and at least two other third year computer science non-project subjects plus a credit or better in any three of AAF2140, AAF3160, AAF3120 and AAF3150.
This is a full-time Bachelor of Computing honours-year course that combines studies in computer science and accounting. It is designed so that students successfully completing it will satisfy the formal educational requirements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants as well as those of the Australian Computer Society. The fourth-year program consists of four computer science units together with AAF3130 (or AAF3140) and AAF3110.
Students taking this program are also required to complete a substantial individual project.
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