For details of the faculty's undergraduate courses, refer to the `Undergraduate courses' section later in this handbook.
Experience has shown that people from many backgrounds who are interested in computing can be highly successful in the field. The policy of the faculty is to keep the prerequisites for entry to its courses to a minimum.
Nevertheless, it should be recognised that all undergraduate programs assume that mathematics has been studied at secondary school to a reasonable level and that the minimum requirement is a mathematics study at VCE levels 1 and 2. For Victorian students, the requirement for some undergraduate courses is VCE mathematics levels 1 and 2 and for other courses, levels 3 and 4. Courses that involve computer engineering have relatively stringent prerequisites. A grade average of D in VCE English at levels 3 and 4 is a prerequisite for all courses.
Applicants who seek to enter an undergraduate degree for full-time or part-time study should apply directly to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, 40 Park Street, South Melbourne, 3205. Applicants applying under the university's alternative category entry (ACE) must apply through the VTAC and may be required to sit a Special Tertiary Admissions (STAT) test.
Students who have completed studies elsewhere that are equivalent to part of those prescribed for an undergraduate degree of the faculty may apply for admission to a course with advanced standing.
Those who do not satisfy Tertiary Entrance Requirements (TER), or have satisfied the regular entrance requirements but have not recently been offered a place, might be eligible as an ACE student under one of the following categories.
1 Age and education
This category is for people of mature age (ie twenty-three years or more by 31 December 1996) who have:
2 Aboriginal persons - Monash Orientation Scheme for Aborigines (MOSA)
Aboriginal persons may apply for entry under the scheme for people of mature age outlined above, but may also wish to inquire about the special preparatory program offered by the university. This program is specifically designed to assist prospective applicants of Aboriginal descent to qualify for tertiary-level study in a subsequent year. Further information can be obtained from the director of MOSA (telephone (03) 9905 4200). Applications close at the end of December each year.
3 Disadvantaged/country schools program
Factors affecting the VCE results of students attending schools in the Disadvantaged Schools Program and/or the Country Education Project will be taken into account in the process of ranking for admission. Students from these schools must meet specific course criteria and be strongly supported by their schools as candidates likely to succeed in university study.
Applicants who have incurred difficulties at school as a result of the criteria used for determining the disadvantaged/country schools list, but not attending one of the schools on the list, may also be considered in this category. Apply for admission through VTAC.
4 Open learning and enhancement programs
Students who complete two units through open learning or through continuing education/not-for-degree university subjects may be considered for admission to degree programs under special arrangements. Such persons should apply for admission through VTAC.
The faculty board has established a credit transfer policy which is printed below. Applications for credit must be submitted as soon as possible after the commencement of the academic year. The faculty takes approximately fourteen days to process such applications.
1 When admitting students to courses of the faculty, the faculty endeavours to assess learning of all kinds and establish equivalence to known standards of academic study; this assessment is based on the evidence of prior learning which is presented at the time of application.
2 Notwithstanding point one, students may apply for credit based on concurrent learning obtained outside the course for which they are enrolled.
3 The faculty may grant enrolment with advanced standing where appropriate, and/or grant individual credits based on the assessment in one and two above.
4 The assessment of prior learning for advanced standing and associated admission procedures shall be the responsibility of the appropriate faculty credit transfer subcommittee and the office of the faculty registrar, and action in this regard shall be initiated promptly, and as a matter of course provided that full and sufficient information is supplied by applicants.
5 Students granted credit for prior learning but who do not wish to avail themselves of it shall not normally be required to do so, and should notify the faculty.
6 The faculty shall determine and make known the minimum proportion of study to be undertaken at the university for the completion of each of its courses.
7 The standard and content of previous learning, the results achieved, the period elapsed since its completion, and the student's perceived chances of success in the Monash course shall be the principal criteria in assessing credit.
8 When granting credit the faculty will advise the student of the specific requirements for the completion of the course for which that student is enrolled and has been granted credit.
9 The faculty will address the credit needs of all students wishing to pursue university-level studies.
10 Any enrolled student may appeal to the faculty's credit transfer policy subcommittee in matters relating to the granting of credit.
11 This policy, procedures and illustrating examples will be published in a separate credit transfer brochure.
12 These principles are subject to the selection policies of the faculty.
13 This policy is subject to annual review by the faculty.
The faculty has established articulation arrangements with several TAFE courses, (eg Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) and Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing)) into the Bachelor of Computing Caulfield, Peninsula and Gippsland campuses. The TAFE Associate Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) has established articulation arrangements into the Bachelor of Digital Systems, Clayton campus.
However, prospective TAFE students should note that they have no automatic right of transfer into the Bachelor of Computing or the Bachelor of Digital Systems program offered by Monash University, but must be selected in competition with other students.
Candidates completing the Diploma in Information Technology should note that asessment of articulation with the Diploma in Information Technology is currently being made.
Candidates articulating from the Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) or the Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing) into a Bachelor of Computing on the Caulfield and Peninsula campuses are granted one year of advanced standing in the degree (a total of forty-eight credit points of the 144 points required to complete the degree). The exact subjects to be exempted will vary, depending on which major of the Bachelor of Computing degree the student is studying. However, credits can be claimed for both computing and non-computing subjects. In general candidates entering with these qualifications commence their studies as second-year students.
In some cases the exact structure of the course as offered on any campus must be considered when claiming non-computing credits and students are advised to discuss these with the faculty in relation to the particular non-computing units they have studied as part of their associate diploma. For example, at the Caulfield campus, normally twelve points at first-year level can be granted regardless of the major chosen, where a student, as part of the associate diploma, has studied units that can be used as a foundation for a minor sequence in a non-computing discipline.
Detailed information about the computing majors mentioned above can be found in this handbook in the `Undergraduate courses' section and in the course information brochures for each campus. The specific credits which will be granted for any associate diploma other than those mentioned here can be determined by contacting the faculty office at Caulfield. For more advice on any matter relating to admission, articulation or credit transfer from TAFE studies, contact Ms Clare Cole (Caulfield campus) on telephone (03) 9903 2433.
The faculty is currently reviewing its articulation arrangements with a view to extending, if possible, the number of courses to which articulation applies.
Study for honours degrees is available in each of the departments and schools of the faculty. Students thinking of undertaking honours study should contact the relevant departmental or school coordinator to discuss their potential honours study. Students should be aware that the minimum academic requirement for admission to the faculty's honours program is a pass at credit standard or above in all computing subjects at the third stage of the relevant degree. Students who undertake a major in computer science in either the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Economics are eligible to apply for entry to the honours program in computer science. Applications for entry to the honours program must be made to the faculty administration office by 31 December each year. Application forms can be obtained from any of the faculty's administration offices.
The faculty board has determined that some subjects of the faculty have some common objectives and subject matter and are therefore deemed to be prohibited subject combinations. Prohibitions between subjects are listed in the `Details of subjects' section of this handbook. Except for electives, students will normally select subjects specifically designed for the course in which they are enrolled.
Students considering undertaking a computing subject that is not designed specifically for their course should check with the faculty office on their home campus regarding potential problems associated with subject overlap.
The faculty operates on a semester program in which most subjects are taught, examined and the results published within one semester. However, some subjects occupy two semesters. If a subject is to be repeated, the student may have to wait for up to one semester until the subject is taught again.
Many subjects have prerequisites; for example, a third-year subject is likely to require a pass in the appropriate first- and second-year subjects. The relevant information can be obtained by studying the subject entries in the `Details of subjects' section of this handbook.
Each subject passed carries a number of points that represent the student workload associated with that subject. In general, the requirements for a degree are expressed in terms of the total number of points that must be accumulated by a student, subject to constraints covering the number of points that may be attempted in a semester and the combinations of subjects that are acceptable. The rules are covered under the specification for each degree in the relevant section of this handbook and in the relevant course regulations.
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |