Electronic commerce project management
Offered subject to university approval
Dr Brian Corbitt and Mr Brian Conheady
6 points
* 3-4 hours per week
* First, summer semester
* Distance
Objectives On completion of the subject students will have a sound understanding of the principles of project management and its application to electronic commerce; practised the skills of project management using a commercial project management software package; developed the skills necessary to undertake and apply a cost/benefit analysis; practised the skills of cost/benefit analysis; understood the principles of change management and the underlying psychological and social forces affecting change implementation in business; defined and applied various change strategies to management practices applicable to the implementation of electronic commerce
Synopsis The subject provides a detailed evaluation of projects including the nature of projects, their management, and an evaluation of the costs and benefits of the projects. The subject builds on the application of systems analysis and design begun in GBU2603 (Systems analysis and design for electronic commerce), and extends those principles into an understanding of the change process in business and the fundamentals of change management practices. Other issues include the tools of project management including Pert charts, critical path analysis, computation of the float, contingency factors, Gantt charts, and task monitoring; software management; cost benefit analysis including rate of return and risk analysis; implementation of projects; the nature, sociology and psychology of change; change management and radical business process reengineering.
Assessment Assignment 1 (case study - 2000 words): 20%
* Assignment
2 (essay - 2500 words) 30%
* Examination (open book - 3 hours): 50%
Prescribed texts
Wu M and Wu S H Systems analysis and design West, 1994
Senge P The fifth discipline Random House, 1992
A reading list will be supplied with the study package for distance education students. This package will also include a book of readings. On-campus students will have access to the distance education materials and will be provided with comprehensive reading lists.
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