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Taxation law and practice

Mr Phillip Moore

6 points
* One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week
* Distance: approximately 12 hours per week
* First semester
* Gippsland
* Prerequisites: GBU1002, GBU1202

Objectives The subject aims to develop in students knowledge of the legal concepts of taxable revenue and deductible outgoings. It aims also to provide students with the skills required in problem solving, advising clients on their taxation liabilities and challenging decisions of the Australian Taxation Office in the tribunal and court system.

Synopsis Tax administration including audits, objections and appeals. Assessable income from personal exertion, property and business. Capital gains tax and fringe benefits tax. Exempt income. Deductions for both general and specific trading stock. Taxation of partnership, company and trust income.

Assessment Two assignments (each 1500 words): 30%
* Examination (3 hours): 70%
* Students must obtain a mark of 50% in the examination and subject overall to pass the subject

Prescribed texts

CCH `Special tax pack' which incorporates:

CCH (eds) Master tax guide (latest edn) CCH

Woellner R H and others Australian taxation law 5th edn, CCH, 1994

Barkoczy S Australian tax casebook CCH, 1994

Nethercott L and Shaw G Australian taxation study manual 4th edn, CCH, 1994

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Handbook Contents | Faculty Handbooks | Monash University
Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996