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Health services law

Professor Chris Selby Smith and Ms Lucy Hunter

6 points
* One 3-hour session per week
* First semester
* City

Objectives This subject will provide students with an understanding of the role of the law in the health and human services sector, and analyse the interrelationships of law, policy and administration. It will introduce students to basic legal concepts and the problems with which lawyers deal; the institutional framework within which lawyers operate; Commonwealth and Victorian health legislation; and specific problems such as consent, medical malpractice, quality assurance, workers' compensation, ethics, fair trading and employment law.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide students with an understanding of the law and its role in promoting change in the health and human services sector. Students will analyse the interrelationship of law, policy and administration. The subject includes consideration of the legal approach to topics such as contracts, tort, administration and constitutional law, relevant Commonwealth legislation and health law at the State level (with attention to particular topical illustrations of health services law in Victoria).

Assessment Assignment (3000-4000 words): 50%
* Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Kennedy I and Grubb A Medical law: Text and material Butterworths, 1994

Health Services Act 1988 (Vic.)

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Handbook Contents | Faculty Handbooks | Monash University
Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996