Management ethics
Dr Elizabeth Prior Jonson
6 points
* One 2-hour lecture per week and one 1-hour tutorial per week
* First semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisites: MGC1020, MGC1030
Objectives On completion of this subject students should have the ability to identify important ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in various business contexts; have an understanding of the moral social and economic environments within which those dilemmas occur; have a sound understanding of the ethical concepts and philosophical frameworks that are relevant for resolving ethical problems; have the ability to apply ethical concepts and frameworks to moral dilemmas in business; have developed the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for resolving those ethical dilemmas in a critical and creative manner.
Synopsis The primary focus of this subject is ethics as it applies to business. The subject will begin by providing a framework of basic principles for understanding what is meant by `good' and `right'. It will then proceed to discuss the implications these have for management, and to explore contemporary issues facing today's manager. Topics may include multinationals and global ethics; bribery; affirmative action, employee rights; whistleblowing; product safety; ethical issues in marketing, advertising and environmental protection. The focus will be upon practical problem solving and a wide range of contemporary case materials, in which managers try to reconcile the demands of principle and expediency, will be utilised.
Assessment Written (assignment 2500 words): 40%
* Tutorial
participation: 10%
* Examination (2 hours): 50%
Prescribed texts
Clark G L and Prior-Jonson E Management ethics: Theory, cases and practice Harper, 1995
Prior Jonson E and Greenwood M R Management ethics: Collected readings 1996
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |