Strategic marketing
Associate Professor Peter Reed
6 points
* One 3-hour session per week
* First, second semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisite: MBA5310
Objectives The objectives of the subject are to develop an understanding of the different roles for marketing management at the corporate, business and operational levels of strategy; to develop an understanding of the changing role for marketing in the new types of organisations that have evolved during the 1980s and are continuing to evolve during the 1990s; to enhance and further develop skills acquired in MBA5310 (Marketing) concerning the process of marketing planning; and to provide experience in developing marketing plans under (simulated) competitive pressure.
Synopsis This subject reviews and assesses the nature and applicability of some contemporary approaches to marketing, planning and decision making with the emphasis on strategic (ie longer term) issues, rather than tactical (ie, shorter term) issues. Strategic marketing is a subset of strategic management. While strategic management involves a corporate strategic planning perspective at all levels of the organisation, strategic marketing is the specific application of strategic planning to the marketing function of the firm. The objective of the subject is to provide a framework for planning at this functional level, and its integration with the corporate and business-level planning process. The theme is that the rapid rate of environmental change faced by an enterprise requires new dimensions of marketing strategy for both existing and new products. The subject will examine the process and determinants of evolution of marketing strategy. This requires an appreciation of industry evolution, together with cost, customer and competitor analysis.
Assessment Marketing simulation (Markstrat): 40%
* Written
(assignments/case studies 5000 words): 60%
Prescribed texts
Walker O C and others Markstrat strategy: Planning and implementation Irwin, 1992
Larreche J-C and Gatignon H Markstrat 2 Scientific Press, 1990
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