Details of assessment for each subject appear in the subject outline elsewhere in this handbook. Assessment in a subject may be made up of several components: a formal examination, essays, tests, assignments, oral presentations and tutorial participation. Assessment details for each subject will be given in handouts in the first week of each semester, as will further details on subject content and reading material. As this handbook is published several months before the new academic year begins, these subject handouts are definitive.
The final mark that a student receives for a subject will be determined by the subject leader or coordinator taking into account all aspects of assessment. The rights of students to have assessed work re-marked is determined at departmental level. However, there is a process for verifying fail marks which contribute to a final fail result. This requirement does not apply to pieces of work completed during the course of a subject each of which is worth no more than ten per cent of the final mark, unless the total of such pieces exceeds thirty per cent of the final mark.
For more details see the education policy in the Student information handbook.
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3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |