Research methodology for social work
12 points
* 2 hours per week
* First semester
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject candidates should have developed an understanding of the ethical issues relating to research with humans; gained an understanding of the issues relating to the place and role of different types of research in social work; developed a research proposal demonstrating an understanding of research design, research questions and data collection methods and developed skills in identifying and describing a range of statistical techniques and when it is appropriate to utilise them.
Synopsis The subject will cover the following topics of research and its place in social work: research ethics including intellectual property issues; research designs including qualitative and quantitative, exploratory and experimental methods; developing research questions and hypotheses; sampling and data analysis, including statistical analysis and writing research reports. The teaching will be enhanced by utilising staff research projects as case examples.
Assessment Written assignment (3000 words): 30%
* Research proposal
(6000 words): 70%
Prescribed texts
de Vaus D Surveys in social research 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, 1993
Grinnell R M Jnr Social work research and evaluation 4th edn, Peacock, 1993
Minichello V, Aroni R, Timewell E and Alexander L In-depth interviewing: Researching people Longman Cheshire, 1990
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