Psychology - organisational psychology
Rob Curnow
8 points (6 points for students who commenced from 1994)
* Two 1-hour
lectures, one 1-hour tutorial, one 2-hour workshop per week
* Second
* Caulfield/Peninsula
* Prerequisites: APY2020
Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should understand the processes of group behaviour and communication in organisations, including job satisfaction, morale, leadership styles and authority structures; appreciate the effects of different styles of management and different types of organisation on corporate effectiveness; understand theories of vocational development and vocational choice, and the use of measuring instruments derived from them.
Synopsis Central theme: applied psychology. The person and the organisation. Theories of organisation; group behaviour and communication; job satisfaction and morale; status and authority in organisations; styles of leadership; motivation; organisational culture; conflict in organisations. Vocational development: theories of vocational development; personal growth; the value of psychological tests in vocational guidance. Personnel psychology: performance evaluation; the management of personnel; the contribution of personnel management to productivity; organisation development and action research; problems confronting the change agent.
Assessment Tutorial presentation: 15%
* Two tests: 45%
Organisational report or literature review: 40%
Prescribed texts
Robbins S P and others Organisational behaviour: Concepts, controversies and applications Prentice-Hall, 1994
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |