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Research methodology in Koorie studies

Lecturer to be announced

12 points
* 2-3 hours per week
* First semester
* Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, candidates should have an understanding of different methodological approaches in Koorie studies; the ability to provide written and oral explanations of their understanding of the methodological approaches used by researchers in the field; an understanding of the importance of oral history for members of the indigenous community; an understanding of the way in which traditional methodologies may or may not be acceptable practices for research in the field.

Synopsis The subject will cover the following topics of research and its place in Koorie studies: methodologies and their importance to research in the field; understanding of the culturally sensitive nature of research in the field; the importance of oral history in the communication of Koorie history, culture and issues.

Assessment Oral presentation and written assignment (3000 words): 30%
* Methodology paper (6000 words): 70%

Recommended texts

Anderson J Thesis and assignment writing 2nd edn, Wiley, 1994

Attwood B (ed.) In the age of Mabo Allen and Unwin, 1996

Attwood B (ed.) Power, knowledge and the Aborigines La Trobe U P

Beckett J (ed.) Past and present: Constructions of Aboriginality Aboriginal Studies Press, 1988

Keen (ed.) Being black: Aboriginal cultures in settled Australia Aboriginal Studies Press, 1988

Lewis F Writing a thesis: A guide to the nature and organisation 4th edn, 1993

Lester J Writing research papers, a complete guide 7th edn, Harper Collins

March J Guide to successful thesis and dissertations: A handbook for students and faculty 3rd edn, 1993

McGrath A (ed.) Contested ground: Australian Aborigines under the British Crown Allen and Unwin, 1995

Mudrooroo Us mob: History, culture, struggle Angus and Robertson, 1995

Rowse T After Mabo: Interpreting indigenous traditions 1993

Swain T A place for strangers: Towards a history of Australia Aboriginal beings Cambridge, 1993

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Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996