Renaissance Florence
Bill Kent
8 points
* Two lectures and one tutorial per week
* Second semester
* Clayton
* Prohibition: HSY3640 1992
Objectives Students completing this subject will have come to grips with an exciting body of material which has been built up about late medieval and Renaissance Florence in the context of Italian history generally. They ought to be able to grasp the inter-relationships between changing social structures and high culture - art, architecture - humanism, patronage, and the proto-modern political and historiographical realism of the likes of Machiavelli and Guicciardini.
Synopsis A study of the political, social and cultural history of Florence from the late thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, with particular reference to the Renaissance period. Students who have not passed HSY1010 and HSY1020 should do the preliminary reading with great care.
Assessment second year Two class papers (2000 words each): 66.5%
Examination (2 hours): 33.5%
* Students may submit a 2000-word paper in
place of the examination.
Assessment third year Short class paper (1000 words): and research class
paper (3000 words): 66.5%
* Examination (2 hours): 33.5%
* Option of
additional 2000-word paper in place of examination.
Preliminary reading
Brucker G A Renaissance Florence 2nd edn, U California P, 1983
Prescribed texts
Guicciardini F Maxims and reflections of a Renaissance statesman Pennsylvania Paperbacks, 1990
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