Students who speak a Chinese dialect and have completed a substantial part of their schooling in a Chinese educational system must enrol in stream F (Chinese for dialect speakers).
Students enrolled in this stream take CHI1470 and CHI1480 (Chinese for dialect speakers, parts 1 and 2) in their first year and at second-year level may complete a minor sequence in Chinese by taking CHI2510 and CHI2520 (Advanced Chinese, parts 3 and 4).
Chinese for dialect speakers may also be taken as either a second-year sequence (CHI2470 and CHI2480) or as a third-year sequence (CHI3470 and CH3480).
Students who have successfully passed CHI2470 and CHI2480 may complete a minor sequence in Chinese by taking CHI3510 and CHI3520 (Advanced Chinese, parts 3 and 4). Students enrolled in this stream are excluded from taking the subjects CHI3450/4459 (Chinese business communication, part 1) and CHI3460/4469 (Chinese business communication, part 2) as electives since both these subjects form part of CHI1470/2470/3470 (Chinese for dialect speakers, part 1) and CHI1480/2480/3480 (Chinese for dialect speakers, part 2).
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