DSM4000.12 Development studies: theories and approaches to policy
subjects totalling thirty-six points value chosen from the following list.
Departments in which the subjects are offered are listed after the subjects.
ASM4230.12 Culture and conflict in Indonesia (Anthropology)
ASM4430.12 The third world (Anthropology)
ASM4470.12 Comparative sociology of `development' (Anthropology)
AUS4200.12 Tourism and development in the Pacific (Australian Studies)
DSM4020.06 Economics of developing countries (Economics)
DSM4040.12 Development and environment in Asia-Pacific and Australia
(Development Studies)
DSM4060.12 Population and development (Economics) (not offered in 1997)
DSM4120.12 Business in Asia (Economics)
DSM4130.12 Economic development of East Asia (Economics)
DSM4140.12 Introduction to economics (Economics)
DSM4150.12 Environmental economics and policy (Economics)
GYM4710.12 Southeast Asia (Geography)
PLM4280.12 Japan, Korea and China: East Asian states and development
(Politics) (proposed to be offered next in 1998)
PLM4290.12 China: the quest for modernisation (Politics) (proposed to be
offered next in 1998)
PLM4500.12 International relations and development (Politics)
PLM4930.12 Southeast Asian politics (Politics)
PLM4990.12 Politics of environmentalism (Politics)