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Australian film history

Deane Williams

8 or 12 points
* 4 hours per week
* First semester
* Clayton

Objectives By the completion of this subject students will be expected to demonstrate a critical understanding of the representation of Australian history in film; a knowledge of a variety of methodological approaches to film history; a knowledge of the cultural, political and economic forces which shape and are reflected in the films studied; an ability to engage with written and visual texts in a clear and confident manner.

Synopsis This subject will equip students with a knowledge of methodological and surveying skills in relation to Australian Film History. This study of Australian film will examine (a) historical representations of landscape, race and gender relations in Australian film; (b) notions of the representation of history in film through a broad spectrum of film texts and historical writings; (c) the history of Australian film production with attention to some examples of industry, independent production and government film production. This subject will also explore some of the attendant film cultures from which various film texts emerged. Films studied will include mainstream narrative, government sponsored documentary and newsreel as well as independent productions across the range of Australian film production.

Assessment fourth year Seminar paper (2500) words: 25%
* First essay (2500 words): 35%
* Second essay (4000 words): 40%

Assessment fifth year (8 points) Seminar paper (1500) words: 25%
* First essay (1500 words): 35%
* Second essay (3000 words): 40%

Assessment fifth year (12 points) Seminar paper (2500) words: 25%
* First essay (2500 words): 35%
* Second essay (4000 words): 40%
* At fifth-year level, the second essay will constitute a primary research component to be devised in consultation with the lecturer.

Preliminary reading

Shirley Graham and Adams, Brian Australian cinema: The first eighty years (rev.edn) Currency Press, 1989

Moran A Projecting Australia: Government film since 1945 Currency Press, 1991

Muecke S Textual spaces: Aboriginality and cultural studies NSWUP, 1992

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Handbook Contents | Faculty Handbooks | Monash University
Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996