Printmaking 1
E Heng
12 points * 10 hours studio per week * First/Second semester * Gippsland * Prerequisites: GVA1002
Objectives On completion of this subject students should have begun to develop an understanding of the basic methods and materials associated with the printmaking processes of relief, planographic and intaglio; the conceptual and analytical skills that underpin the methods of a fine art visual investigation; a curiosity towards the theories that inform contemporary fine art practice; a basis for experimentation, that has the potential to generate a diverse range of image making resulting in a graphic sensibility; and an attitude towards drawing that engages observation, analysis, selection and visual expression.
Synopsis This subject is designed to assist the student to develop conceptual and manipulative skills related to the practice of fine art printmaking and to become familiar with the methods, materials and workshop practice associated with the graphic processes. Although students will be encouraged to take a broad and experimental approach to the subject, formal sessions, lectures and demonstrations will be held as an introduction to the processes of monotype, relief, intaglio and planagraphic printmaking. Drawing is considered an activity central to the study of all printmaking units and, as such, students will attend weekly drawing classes conducted by the printmaking staff.
Assessment Artistic and conceptual development: 40% * Technical achievement: 25% * Drawing: 25% * Contribution to critiques: 10%
Recommended texts
Chipp H B Theories of modern art U California P, 1970
Gross A Etching, engraving and intaglio printing OUP, 1970
Hayter S W About prints OUP, 1962
Ross J and Romano C The complete printmaker Free Press, 1973
Artists Proof Pratt Graphics Centre, NY
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