Science Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Introduction to contemporary psychology II

Professor Stella Crossley and Dr Vickii Jenvey

8 points + Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: PSY1011 and PSY1022 + Prohibitions: PSY2022, APY2020

Objectives As for PSY2031.

Synopsis This subject is designed for students with a general interest in the content and methods of contemporary psychology, who are not seeking an accredited major or entry to honours. Students select three lecture topics among the following (offered in common with PSY2022): (i) cognition, (ii) non-parametric statistics, (iii) motivation, (iv) evolution of animal and human behaviour, (v) action and skills, and (vi) psychology of ageing. Each unit is an independent lecture stream comprising one lecture per week throughout the semester. The tutorial program is designed to enhance students' understanding of material presented in lectures and to provide opportunities for independent exploration of related topics. There is no overall set text for the subject, and any prescribed or recommended reading will be listed in the detailed notes distributed at the first lecture. Optional units offered may vary from year to year.

Assessment Examinations (3 hours): 75% (Some examination of lecture material may occur in class) + Written work (2500 words): 25%

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