Science Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Basic mathematics


Mrs Roslyn Steel

6 points + Full-year subject + 3 hours per week + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: The subject assumes a mathematical background at about Year 11 (fifth form). Students lacking this background should seek advice. Enrolment in this subject will only be accepted after consultation with the subject adviser or group leader mathematical sciences + Prohibitions: Concurrent enrolment in GAS1613 and GAS1615

Objectives The objectives of this subject are to review and consolidate the basic algebraic processes of simplification, factorisation and solution of equations to enable the appropriate development of computational skill and algebraic dexterity necessary for the study of mathematics at tertiary level; understand the nature of functions and their graphs including logarithmic, trigonometric and exponential functions; revise and consolidate the coordinate geometry of the straight line, and introduce the standard equations of conics; introduce basic concepts associated with the binomial theorem, sequences and series, set theory and elementary counting techniques; interpret and manipulate simple matrices and solve two simultaneous equations using matrix methods; introduce the basic ideas of differential and integral calculus; use basic calculus concepts in an introduction to kinematics, applications of maxima and minima, curve sketching and the solution of simple differential equations.

Synopsis This subject aims to prepare students lacking a recent Year-12 level mathematics background to enter first-year level tertiary mathematics subjects, normally as part of a course in applied science, engineering, etc. The topics covered include number systems, basic algebra, sets, functions, analytic geometry, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to counting techniques, binomial theorem, sequences and series, introductory elements of differential and integral calculus, and matrices.

Assessment Twelve assignments + Two examinations (3 hours) + Examinations will include a mastery-learning component

Prescribed texts

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