Science Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Microbiology for health care 1


Mr Christopher Panter

1.5 points + Second semester + 2 hours per week + Gippsland

Objectives On completion of this subject, the student will have been introduced to important basic principles of microbiology. This subject, together with the more applied `Microbiology for health care 2', will enable the student to apply microbiological principles to nursing situations involving infectious diseases, infection control, and aseptic technique.

Synopsis Introduction to microorganisms. How microorganisms are examined and grown. Important structures of microorganisms. Factors influencing growth and survival. Basic metabolism of bacteria. Important medical bacteria. Introduction to medical fungi, protozoa, viruses, metazoan parasites, and vectors of disease. The subject is taught by lectures and laboratory classes.

Assessment Laboratory Reports: 30% + Tests: 70% + Satisfactory performance in written tests is required to pass the subject

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