Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1037-0919
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Graduate matters are now controlled by a Graduate Studies Committee with elected members from each department. The committee is chaired by the associate dean (graduate studies) who represents the college on the PhD and Scholarships Committee of the university.
Students may apply for entry to graduate study courses by arrangement with the Graduate School. The following fields of research are available for graduate studies.
The Victorian College of Pharmacy commenced teaching the former Graduate Diploma in Hospital Pharmacy in 1978. A new Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy commenced in 1995. For details regarding application procedures, entry requirements and the likely fee structure, contact the college. The course is conducted on a part-time basis over two academic years. It is the student's responsibility to arrange the necessary release time from her/his employer.
The Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy is designed for the student to establish a knowledge base of pathophysiology and therapeutics; develop skills in critical literature evaluation; discuss issues in research methodology; and develop and demonstrate clinical practical skills.
The structure of the course combines didactic sessions at the college or hospital sites, and clinical experiential sessions, including tutorials, seminars, case histories and ward rounds.
Modules include statistics, research methodology, interpretation of clinical/laboratory data, pharmacokinetics, drug literature evaluation, drug induced disease, pathophysiology, therapeutics and clinical pharmacy.
Great importance is placed on the active participation of each of the students in seminar presentations and discussion groups. The student's performances at these seminars and tutorials will be closely monitored; marks will be allocated on degree of participation in session, on rapport established with colleagues, on information contributed and communication skills.
In addition to the timetabled activities, it is expected that the student will spend another eight to twelve hours per week on personal private study. This will involve library and literature assignments, preparation of case histories, and reviewing material for upcoming lectures.
The Master of Pharmacy (Preliminary) (MPharm(Prelim)) program is open to students having completed a recognised Bachelor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science degree or equivalent with good grades. Students with a recognised honours degree or equivalent may be admitted direct to MPharm candidature.
Students are not precluded from nominating the area in which they wish to pursue their studies, but this is often conditional upon the availability of materials, equipment, and supervisors. Often a student is well advised to place the final choice of area in the hands of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Students proposing to enter this course are requested to apply in writing to the associate dean (graduate studies) in the year prior to their proposed commencement of studies. Programs for the MPharm degree normally commence in March of each year.
There will be no financial support available from the college for students commencing the Master of Pharmacy (Preliminary). Full-time students in the second year of the course, however, will be eligible to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award, a Monash Graduate Scholarship or a research scholarship offered through the college. The first award is restricted to Australian citizens, or candidates with permanent resident status. The awards provide a scholarship of approximately $13,500 gross per annum.
To be eligible to enter the PhD program students normally are expected to have obtained excellent grades in their previous studies and their qualifications must be recognised by the college.
Students are not precluded from nominating the area in which they wish to pursue their studies, but this is often conditional upon the availability of materials, equipment and supervisors. Often a student is well advised to place the final choice of area in the hands of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Prospective applicants are requested to apply in writing to the associate dean (graduate studies) in the year prior to their proposed commencement of studies. programs for the PhD degree normally commence in March of each year.
Each full-time student is eligible to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award, a Monash Graduate Scholarship or a research scholarship offered through the college. The first award is restricted to Australian citizens, or candidates with permanent resident status. The awards provide a scholarship of approximately $13,500 gross per annum.
A joint degree will be awarded under the names of both institutions. Graduates from this program will be trained in a manner suitable to the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and institutions of higher learning in both countries.
This joint program will admit students from either institution to either campus. A further requirement is that each student entering the program must engage in studies for at least twelve months on each campus. Return economy class fares are provided for students admitted to the program. Students will obtain financial support during their studies.
Further information, including details of financial support, may be obtained from the dean and director of the Victorian College of Pharmacy who acts as Australian secretary for the executive committee of Intersearch.
Students enrolling for the Master of Pharmacy and Doctor of Philosophy courses on a full-time basis will be required to meet the following charges::
Item $ Annual subscription to Victorian 50 Pharmacy Students Association (granting access to Monash sporting facilities) Service fee 60 Equipment/library deposit* 100 Total 210 *Refundable, on completion or termination of course.
Students enrolling for the above courses on a part-time basis will be required to meet the following charges::
Item $ Annual subscription to Victorian 30 Pharmacy Students Association (granting access to Monash sporting facilities) Service fee 35 Equipment/library deposit* 100 Total 165 *Refundable, on completion or termination of course.
Students enrolling for the graduate diploma course will be required to meet the following charges:
Item $ Annual subscription to Victorian 30 Pharmacy Students Association (granting access to Monash sporting facilities) Service fee 35 Total 65 *Refundable, on completion or termination of course.