Nursing Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Graduate nursing studies II

Associate Professor E Duffy

12 points + 8 hours per week + Annually + Peninsula

Objectives In undertaking this subject, students are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and analysis skills in relation to national and international health issues; analyse the process of policy development at state, national and international level; develop a critical framework for evaluating health and health care models; analyse contemporary trends and issues in the health care delivery system; analyse the factors constraining the development of the health care system in general and nursing in particular; demonstrate potential for the initiation and management of change to enhance health and health care outcomes; debate political and professional issues for nursing at national and international levels.

Synopsis The subject focuses on the development of critical thinking and analysis skills in relation to national and international political/professional debate on health and nursing.

Assessment Seminar presentation: 30% + Written analytical essay: 70%

Prescribed texts

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