Nursing Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Global nursing issues V

Ms G Milton

2 points + 2 hours per week + First or second semester + Peninsula

Objectives On completion of this subject students are expected to demonstrate a beginning understanding of the philosophy of healing by integrating concepts and ideas of how various complementary therapies function for the individual; gain a beginning understanding of the method, aim, value and purpose of a range of complementary therapies; identify how a number of appropriate complementary therapies may be incorporated into mainstream health care; discuss how therapeutic touch may be used as an extension of the professional clinical nursing expertise.

Synopsis The subject encourages creativity and seeking ways of promoting wellbeing. It explores the use of complementary healing therapies within a holistic caring paradigm. The subject is taught by lectures, demonstrations and group interactions.

Assessment Seminar presentation: 30% + Assignment: 70%

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