Nursing Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Psychology for nurses A


Ms C Graham

6 points + Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour tutorial per week + First semester + Internal study + Gippsland + Prohibitions: Cannot be counted towards a psychology major

Objectives Students in this subject will acquire knowledge of methods of research in psychology and their use in the health domain; develop an understanding of human cognitive processes and their effect on health behaviour; learn how the social environment can impact on human functioning and understand how this could apply to both nurses and patients; investigate developmental processes and understand how this might influence patient care and show development in critical reading of research findings and essay writing skills.

Synopsis This subject introduces the scientific discipline of psychology, its methods of research, and different perspectives from which it seeks to explain human behaviour. General principles of development through the lifespan are introduced. The interaction of genetic and environmental factors on behaviour are examined with specific applications to health and illness behaviour. Psychology's use of scientific methodology and emphasis on experimental research is introduced, with applications to nursing and health-related research. Basic psychological processes, learning, memory, perception, motivation and emotion, are examined with particular emphasis on how social settings such as hospital environments can alter these.

Assessment Methodology assignment: 15% + Essay: 25% + Final examination: 60% + A pass on the examination is a requirement for successful completion of this subject

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