Nursing Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Health, caring, environment and technology

Ms J Watts

36 hours lectures + 36 hours clinical over 9 to 12 weeks + Second semester + MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student driven activities, this subject should enable students to identify and differentiate the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of specialist nursing practice, midwifery, medicine, and other health care disciplines; explore contemporary issues and influences on nursing, midwifery, and health care including economic, political, educational, technological, geographic, and demographic perspectives; analyse a contemporary or future issue in relation to current practice demands and trends as observed in the various areas of specialty practice; develop an individual frame of reference for human caring and interpersonal relationships during health transitions, illness and dying experiences of clients and their significant others; explore the universal nature of spirituality and its implications in the context of health transitions, illness and dying.

Synopsis Students explore contemporary nursing issues within a philosophical and theoretical context such as the influence of economic and education policy upon health care; new care delivery modes; the impact of technology on health and caring; information technology; and care issues across a variety of care environments (high tech and low tech rural and urban, in hospital and at home).

Assessment Students identify a contemporary issue and explore it in relation to their practice.

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