Medicine Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Public health nutrition

1 hour 45 minutes per week over 14 weeks + Second semester

Synopsis This subject concentrates on the role of food and nutrition in public health. The major epidemiological studies linking diet and lifestyle diseases are reviewed and their implications for various populations and individuals discussed. Nutrition policies and recommendations are examined with specific reference to cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and alcohol-related disorders. Guest lecturers from major nutrition groups will describe the roles and activities of their respective organisations. There will also be an overview of the concepts of `recommended dietary intakes,' `Australian Dietary Guidelines' and food labelling. Students will gain familiarity with the various methods of dietary data collection, and will have an appreciation of their application and limitations in population studies.

Assessment Two assignments

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