Medicine Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Multicultural public health

1 hour 45 minutes per week over 14 weeks + Second semester

Synopsis The social and cultural factors examined in this subject are associated with the distribution and aetiology of health, illness and disease specific to ethnic communities in Australia. Policy development and program planning will be discussed, along with the use of appropriate research designs and methods for studying public health issues of non-English speaking communities, the contributions of medical anthropology, sociology and social epidemiology to policy development, program planning and implementation and research.

Assessment Essay: 2500 words + Students are expected to read two to three assigned articles per week and be prepared to discuss them. + Short field placement and/or participant observation in a health agency working with an ethnic community assessed by an oral report

Prescribed texts

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