Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Design for manufacture and assembly

J Price

6 points + 13 lecture hours, 26 tutorial/laboratory hours + First and second semester + Caulfield

Objectives This subject introduces the concepts of designing for manufacture and assembly to reduce waste and minimise assembly time in production.

Synopsis The fundamentals of efficient product design (ie. design for manufacture and assembly) and the concept of `waste free' manufacturing and clean production. Appropriate design of the product and the manufacturing and assembly processes. A survey of the tools used in DFMA. The significance of 6 sigma product/process design, cost estimation in manufacturing and selection of appropriate assembly and manufacturing processes. The Boothroyd/Dewhurst theory of design for assembly, and handling and insertion charts. Value analysis and design analysis, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), rules of thumb for design for manual assembly and other common DFMA techniques. Redesign, con-current engineering and other product improvement techniques.

Assessment Assignments: 60% + Examination: 40%

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