Engineering Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Energy systems
R Gani
4 points + 22 lectures, 11 tutorials, 2 hours computer laboratory exercise,
8 hours field work + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: MEC3401,
Objectives Students are expected to acquire an in-depth knowledge and
understanding of energy conversion processes with specific reference to
practical steam and gas turbine power generation cycles, alternative sources of
energy, and cogeneration systems.
Synopsis Modern developments in large scale steam and gas turbine power
generation systems; aircraft propulsion; renewable energy resources and
utilisation; solar energy conversion devices; energy storage and retrieval;
direct energy conversion; reversed heat engines and heat pumps; practical
combined heat and power generation cycles.
Assessment Examination 70% + Computer simulation assessment: 15% + Test:
10% + Field trip assignment: 5%
Prescribed texts
- Haywood R W Analysis of engineering cycles: Power, refrigerating, and
gas liquefaction plant 4th edn, Pergamon Press, 1991
- Sonntag R E and Van Wylen G J Introduction to thermodynamics: Classical
and statistical 3rd edn, Wiley, 1991
Recommended texts (reference)
- Diamant R M E Total energy Pergamon Press, 1970
- Duffie J A and Beckman W A Solar engineering of thermal
processes Wiley, 1991
- Sorenson H A Energy conversion systems Wiley, 1983
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