Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Engineering practices: machine design

J Mathew

6 points + 22 lectures, 36 tutorials + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: MEC2420, MEC2440, MEC2450

Objectives To develop an understanding of the design process and its place in the product development cycle. To understand the importance of modelling as a basic activity in the design process. To acquire knowledge of design techniques (value analysis, failure analysis, concept formulation). To acquire an understanding of basic metal working and machining processes and their relation to the design process.

Synopsis Design methodology. Value analysis. Fluid power. Design for assembly. The Boothroyd/Dewhurst theory. Machining processes. Economics of process planning and machining.

Assessment Tests: 50% + Design projects: 50%

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