Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Human communications

N Colavecchio

3 points + 39 hours + First semester + Gippsland/Distance

Objectives The student is expected to gain greater understanding and skills with respect to both the verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. To appreciate the fundamental role good communication has in the context of organisational effectiveness.

Synopsis Verbal and non-verbal communication - key aspects and effectiveness; preparation and interpretation of technical and non-technical reports, memorandums and business letters including styles and techniques; organising and running effective meetings; public speaking; methods of instruction; and the use of library resources and specialised information services.

Assessment Examination: 30% + Assignments: 70%

Prescribed texts

| Gippsland - Undergraduate Subjects | Engineering Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University