Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Objectives The student is expected to develop (a) an understanding of the physical processes operating in the hydraulic cycle and the techniques used to collect data on those processes and (b) functionality with one hydraulic model of their choice.
Synopsis (a) Introduction to hydrologic cycle. (b) Temporal and spatial variation of rainfall. Measurement. Data checks. Utilisation. (c) Catchment processes: interception, infiltration, percolation, surface runoff. (d) Streamflow processes: velocity variations. Measurement of streamflow. Rating curve extrapolation. (e) Quality Processes. (f) Groundwater processes. The subject then introduces the major analysis/design techniques commonly used in Australian hydrologic engineering practice. (a) Flood estimation in rural catchments. (b) Urban drainage analysis and design. (c) Quality modelling. (d) Storage yield analysis. (e) Groundwater management.
Assessment Examinations: 60% + Major project: 40%