Engineering Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Structural engineering V
Expected to be offered next in 1997
M Isreb
6 points + 52 lecture hours and 26 tutorial hours + Full-year subject +
Gippsland + Prerequisite: GEG3313
Objectives The student is expected to acquire advanced knowledge and
understanding of various aspects of FEM as applied to structural engineering
Synopsis Plastic theory applied to structural engineering. Structural
design space, design variables, and design constraints. Advanced matrix methods
and applications of FEM in structural engineering to structural problems.
Assessment Examination: 70% + Assignments: 30%
Recommended text
- Jenkins W M Structural analysis using computers Longman, 1990
| Gippsland -
Undergraduate Subjects
| Engineering Handbook
| Monash handbooks
| Monash University