Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Energy and the environment

L Spriggs

4.5 points + 65 hours + Full-year subject + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: Entry to BEng course

Objectives The student is expected to develop a vocabulary of terms necessary to understand and analyse the relationship between energy and environmental issues and an overall foundation for understanding energy conversion technology in an integrated socio-environmental context.

Synopsis This subject draws on material from a wide range of disciplines to introduce students to the concepts and relationships associated with human energy use. A comprehensive model is devised to provide an integrated framework for considering energy use and its effects on the environment. The model highlights energy resource classification, extraction and processing; patterns of energy use; environmental (including social) effects of energy technologies and systems; economic, ethical and political implications of energy distribution and use, and energy planning. Students are encouraged to evaluate current energy problems (eg enhanced Greenhouse effect) and to consider innovative strategies for more environmentally friendly energy practices.

Assessment Three assignments: 100%

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