Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Basic mathematics

R Steel

6 points + 3 hours per week + Full-year subject + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: The subject assumes a mathematical background at about Year 11 (fifth form). Students lacking this background should seek advice. Enrolment in this subject will only be accepted after consultation with the subject adviser or group leader mathematical sciences + Prohibitions: Concurrent enrolment in subject GAS1601 and GAS1641, (GAS1642 not recommended)

Objectives A student who lacks a recent Year 12 level mathematics background is expected to develop the mathematical skills and conceptual framework required for entry to first-year level studies in engineering, science and mathematics.

Synopsis The topics covered include number systems, basic algebra, sets, functions, analytic geometry, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series, introductory elements of differential and integral calculus and matrices.

Assessment Six assignments + Two examinations (3 hours) + Examinations will include a mastery-learning component

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