Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1037-0919

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



  • Subject list III
  • Subject list IV

    Subject list III

    Level     Subject                                     Credit    Prerequisites         Corequis  
                                                          points                          ites      
              BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING STUDIES                                                       
    Level 1   GEG1101 Engineering practice                   4      Admission to                    
              GEG1102 Engineering design                     4      GEG1101                         
              GEG1113 Measurement and instrumentation        4      GEG1503                         
              GEG1123 Engineering computing tools            4      Admission to                    
              GEG1133 Technical computing tools              4      Admission to                    
              GEG1303 Introduction to engineering            4      Admission to                    
              structures                                            BEngStud                        
              GEG1503 Electric circuits                      4      Year 12 Mathematics             
                                                                    or GAS1601                      
              GEG1713 Engineering materials                  4      Admission to                    
              GEG1723 Engineering dynamics                   4      Admission to                    
              GEG1733 Engineering thermodynamics             4      Year 12 Maths or                
              GAS1386 Physics for engineers                  4      Admission to                    
              GAS1641 Engineering mathematics 1A             4      An appropriate Year             
                                                                    12 Maths or GAS1601             
              GAS1642 Engineering mathematics 1B             4      GAS1641                         
    Level 2   Note: prerequisites GAS1641 and GAS1642                                               
              may be replaced by GAS1611 and GAS1612                                                
              GEG2113 Measurement and instrumentation       4.5     GEG1503                         
              GEG2313 Structural design I                   4.5     GEG2723                         
              GEG2523 Analog electronics I                  4.5     GEG1503                         
              GEG2533 Digital electronics and               4.5     GEG1503                         
              computers I                                                                           
              GEG2703 Mechanical design II*                 4.5     GEG1102, GEG1303,               
              GEG2723 Applied mechanics                     4.5     GEG1303, GEG1723,               
                                                                    GAS1641, GAS1642                
              GEG2733 Thermodynamics                        4.5     GEG1733                         
              GEG2743 Fluid mechanics I                     4.5     GEG1303                         
              GAS2641 Engineering mathematics                3      GAS1641, GAS1642                
                                                                    and a computer                  
                                                                    programming subject             
              * GEG2303 (Structural design) or GEG2503                                              
              (Electrical design II) may be                                                         
              substituted here.                                                                     
    Level 3   GEG3133 Engineering computer applications     4.5     GEG1123 or GEG1133,             
                                                                    GEG1132, GAS1641,               
                                                                    GAS1642, GAS2741                
              GEG3713 Engineering materials and             4.5     GEG1713                         
              manufacturing processes                                                               
              GEG3723 Mechanics of materials                4.5     GEG2723                         
              GEG3763 Vibration and noise control           4.5     GEG2723                         
              GEG4154 Control systems                        6      GEG2513, GEG2523,               
              Non engineering elective plus 25.5                                                    
              credit points chosen from the following:                                              
              Civil engineering group                                                               
              GEG2333 Surveying                             4.5     GEG1303, GAS1641,               
              GEG3303 Structural engineering II             4.5     GEG2303                         
              GEG3323 Soil mechanics I                      4.5     GEG2323                         
              GEG3333 Road engineering                      4.5     GEG2323, GEG2333                
              GEG3343 Public health engineering             4.5     GEG2743                         
              Electro-mechanical group                                                              
              GEG3513 Electrical machines                   4.5     GEG2513                         
              GEG3523 Analog electronics II                 4.5     GEG2523                         
              GEG3533 Digital electronics and               4.5     GEG2533                         
              computers II                                                                          
              GEG3553 Power electronics                     4.5     GEG2513, GEG2523,               
              GEG3733 Thermodynamics III                    4.5     GEG2733                         
              GEG3743 Fluid mechanics II                    4.5     GEG2743                         
              Mechanical group                                                                      
              GEG3303 Structural engineering II             4.5     GEG2303                         
              GEG3513 Electrical machines                   4.5     GEG2513                         
              GEG3703 Mechanical design III                 4.5     GEG2703                         
              GEG3733 Thermodynamics III                    4.5     GEG2733                         
              GEG3743 Fluid mechanics II                                                            
              The groupings are not prescriptive but                                                
              are indicative of the subjects which                                                  
              would be taken by students proceeding to                                              
              an additional year's study for the                                                    
              accredited BEng degree.                                                               

    Subject list IV

    Level     Subject                                     Credit    Prerequisites         Corequis  
                                                          points                          ites      
              DIPLOMA OF ENGINEERING (INDUSTRIAL                                                    
              The course consists of five modules from                                              
              which a student must pass modules 1, 2                                                
              and 5 and either module 3 or 4.                                                       
              Students should normally complete                                                     
              modules 1 and 2 first before doing other                                              
              modules.  Subjects from several modules                                               
              may be studied at the same time. Not all                                              
              subjects are offered each year. See                                                   
              Faculty of Business handbook for                                                      
              descriptions of business electives.                                                   
              Module 1:  Introduction to management                                                 
              GEG5004 Industrial management                  6      GEG5012                         
              GEG5012 Human communications                   3                                      
              GEG6114 Safety management                      6                                      
              GBU7001 Productivity improvement 1             6                                      
              GCO1831 Introduction to computers              3                                      
              Module 2:  Industrial management                                                      
              GEG6004 Industrial management methods          6      GCO1831 or                      
              GEG6124 Engineering project supervision        6                                      
              GEG6904 Production and operations              6      Completion of all               
              management                                            level-1 subjects or             
              GBU7004 Human resource practices               6                                      
              Module 3:  Maintenance management                                                     
              GEG5634 Maintenance engineering                6                                      
              GEG6054 Machine condition monitoring           6                                      
              GEG6634 Maintenance management                 6                                      
              GBU7006 Financial management                   6                                      
              Module 4:  Technical module                                                           
              GAS1080 Physical science*                      6                                      
              GAS1601 Basic mathematics#                     6      Assumes Maths to                
                                                                    Year 11                         
              Technical electives (minimum 12 credit        12                                      
              Module 5:  Industrial experience                                                      
              GEG6044 Industrial project                     6      Completion of                   
                                                                    modules 1 and 2 or              
              GEG6058 Industrial experience                 12                                      
              Elective (from management or technical         6                                      
              electives - minimum 6 credit points)                                                  
              * A technical elective may be                                                         
              substituted if a Year 12 science subject                                              
              has been passed.  
              # A technical elective may be substituted                         
              if a Year 12 mathematics subject has                            
              been passed.                                                  
              1.Students seeking articulation to the                                                
              Bachelor of Engineering are advised to                                                
              take module 4.                                                                        
              2.Credit for subjects may be given for                                                
              previous equivalent studies.                                                          
              GBU1201 Introduction to business law           6                                      
              GBU3314 Training and development               6                                      
              GBU7014 Marketing                              6                                      
              and other business subjects offered by                                                
              the Gippsland School of Business and                                                  
              approved by the head of the Gippsland                                                 
              School of Engineering for use as                                                      
              GEG5124 Drawing and design                                                            
              Approved subjects from level 1 or level                                               
              2 of the Bachelor of Engineering or                                                   
              Bachelor of Engineering Studies courses,                                              
              if prerequisites are met.                                                             
              Further information may be obtained from                                              
              the course coordinator, Mr Keith Enders.                                              

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