Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Telecommunications network performance

M Atiquzzaman

3 points + 16 lectures, 9 tutorial/laboratory hours + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: ECS3342

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic understanding of the techniques and tools used for performance evaluation of telecommunication networks.

Synopsis Telecommunications network hierarchical configuration; basic queuing theory; elements of teletraffic engineering; blocking, delay, throughput, utilisation; network modelling and performance analysis; circuit-switched networks, packet-switched networks; network design using simulation package.

Assessment Examination (2 hours) + Practical work/Laboratory work/Assignments

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| Undergraduate Subjects - Clayton | Engineering Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University