Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Electrical design

W J Bonwick and K C Ng

3 points + 36 lectures and practical hours + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: ECS3351 and ECS3361

Objectives The student is expected to develop an understanding of the design process from specification to a set of design decisions and obtain experience in the design of a system comprising electrical, electronic and control subsystems. The student should recognise that the design process is the obverse of analysis and ranges from routine design to inventive creation of new equipment.

Synopsis To be selected from the following topics: basis of design - equations, variables, optimisation, data availability; heat transfer processes, heat sinks; transformer design; computer-aided iteration. Understanding specifications, interpreting manufacturer's data; design concepts, constraints and compromise; practical aspects - PC board design, component specification and mounting practice; `interference' control - grounding practice, signal ground, power ground; power supply decoupling; shielding and guarding. Controller design and implementation. Power supply specifications and design.

Assessment Practical work: 100%

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