Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Objectives The student is expected to acquire a knowledge and understanding of the large signal operation of electronic devices, the operation and applications of nonlinear circuits and operational amplifiers, the concept of positive feedback and applications and the concept of stable oscillations and applications.
Synopsis Large signal models of devices. Logic gates: transfer characteristics, switching times. Rectifier circuits: filters, ripple, regulation. Wave-shaping circuits: pulse shaping, diode clamps and clippers. Operational amplifiers: op-amp models and parameters, gain-bandwidth considerations, slew-rate limitations; applications: linear, nonlinear and instrumentation applications; interference control: grounding and shielding. Multivibrators, comparators and Schmitt triggers. Oscillators: Barkhausen criteria, RC and phase-shift oscillators, distortion, amplitude stabilisation.
Assessment Examination (2 hours): 75% + Laboratory work and assignments: 25%