Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Objectives The student is expected to develop basic understanding and skills relating to the principles and practice of municipal and highway engineering.
Synopsis Institutional arrangements for roads: agencies involved and their relationships with each other. Road classification and road hierarchy. Local government: Local Government Act, municipal councils and their relationships with other agencies. Municipal organisation. Powers and duties of a municipal engineer. Garbage collection and disposal. Footpaths. Parks and gardens. Municipal depots. Rural and urban road construction: methods, performance and selection of plant, clearing, excavation, earth moving, drilling and explosives, lifting and transporting, compaction, shaping and grading. Pavements: types, design, construction. Bituminous surfacing. Drainage. Road maintenance. Roadsides.
Assessment Written (2000 words): 20% + Examination (3 hours): 80% + Seminar participation