Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Environmental awareness and management

J B Hinwood

6 points + Second semester + Clayton

Objectives To develop an understanding of pollution processes in the sea and of the effects of pollution; to develop skills in modelling pollution processes and devising strategies for control and mitigation.

Synopsis Sources of pollution and controls at source: drilling, construction and installation. Oil: sources, degradation. Shipping: work boats, tanker traffic. Production and operation: gaseous and liquid discharges; pipelines and fittings, production modules, flares. Sewage and sullage. Detergents. Physical environment: ocean and ocean currents, wind. Biological environment: biota, ecosystems, importance to man. Potential impacts of pollutants. Regulatory framework: standards, monitoring and investigations. Discharges to the atmosphere: transport and dispersion. Regional wind patterns. Plume models. Discharges to the sea: transport and dispersion in ocean and coastal waters. Oil spills: modelling, management and methods of clean-up.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 50% + Practical work and seminar participation: 50%

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