Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Mechanics of structures

C M Haberfield (first semester) and G Taplin (second semester)

4 points + 26 lectures, 26 tutorials + First/Second semester + Clayton

Objectives To develop understanding of structural behaviour including concepts of equilibrium, compatibility, elastic buckling, boundary conditions and stress-strain relationships. To gain an appreciation of the analysis and design processes and the broad areas in which civil engineers are involved. To impart skills in modelling simple structures and determining forces, stresses and deflections in trusses and beams. To develop skill in determining cross-section properties of beams and columns, and the implications on their behaviour.

Synopsis Statics. Analysis of trusses. Compatibility. Properties of cross-sections. Stress and strain. Buckling of columns. Design exercises.

Assessment Examinations (2 hours): 70% + Practical work and assignments: 30%

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| Undergraduate Subjects - Clayton | Engineering Handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University