Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Biochemical engineering

3 points + 18 lectures, 6 tutorials + Clayton + Prerequisite: CHE3121

Objectives The student is expected to develop knowledge of key aspects of the development and application of biochemical engineering processes employing microbial and other cellular systems.

Synopsis Aspects of industrial enzymology; sources, kinetics and applications. Cellular growth processes; growth kinetics in batch and continuous culture. Sterilisation of liquids and gases. Biological reactor design; configurations, aseptic design, aeration and agitation, scaleup. Downstream processing; isolation and purification of biological products. Integration of biological processes. Case studies.

Assessment Examinations: 80% + Assignments: 20%

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