Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Curriculum studies: mathematics secondary I

Ms B Tulloch

6 points + Full-year subject + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: second-year BEd

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding of appropriate teaching strategies; support resources for teaching mathematics; recent developments in mathematics education; the use of technology in teaching mathematics. Students should be able to demonstrate skills in a variety of teaching techniques including exposition; discussion between teacher and students and between students themselves; practical work; consolidation and practice; problem solving, including the application of mathematics to everyday situations; investigational work. Students should also be able to effectively plan and teach sequences of mathematics lessons from a selection of topics and areas; use a variety of assessment and reporting methods of mathematical achievement; cater for pupils of mixed ability; develop a resource kit of methods, materials, tests, publishers and suppliers, professional contacts and associates. Students should develop values and attitudes in a commitment to the teaching of mathematics to all students; an awareness of the professional responsibilities of a mathematics teacher; a willingness to participate in faculty/departmental meetings in schools.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide students with an introduction to the formal knowledge base of teaching mathematics in secondary schools; provide students with a basis to put into practice their observations and experiences in the mathematics classroom setting; assist students in developing a sound basis for problem solving and planning skills.

Assessment Assignment 1: (20% + Assignment 2 (ungraded) + Assignment 3: 25% + Assignment 4: 30% + Examination: 25%

Prescribed texts Recommended texts

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