Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Measurement and evaluation

Dr G W Dettrick

6 points + First semester + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: DipT or GradDipEd or BTeach

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have an understanding of the nature of assessment; an understanding of the use of different types of assessment techniques; skill in the construction of valid and reliable assessment instruments; practice in the use of simple statistical methods required for assessment purposes. Students should have developed a systematic understanding of the interrelationships between teaching objectives and evaluation; appropriate attitudes and values with respect to educational measurement as a teaching tool.

Synopsis This subject looks at the role of measurement and evaluation in education, the functions of classroom objectives, forms of assessment, test and examination construction, reliability and validity, elementary statistics in educational measurement, published tests and their uses, and teacher-made classroom tests. The subject is taught by a subject guide, supplied readings, text, and work book. Teleconferencing and e-mail computer conferencing are available as aids to study. Access to a modern computer and modem is an advantage.

Assessment Two practical assignments (1800 words each): 90% + One basic statistical test: 10%

Prescribed texts

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