Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Curriculum and teaching studies 2

Ms E M Pascoe

18 points + 7 hours per week + Full-year subject + Gippsland + Prerequisite: GEC1101

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and skills in developing a range of appropriate teaching techniques which take account of individual, group and whole class approaches; selecting and using appropriate content at each level based on sound curriculum understanding; assessing and understanding pupil learning needs and strengths through familiarity with a wide variety of assessment and evaluation techniques relevant to the classroom situation; lesson planning techniques which take account of a range of abilities; discussing and reflecting on their own progress in curriculum and teaching areas in an ongoing way, together with written self-evaluations of lessons.

Synopsis This subject builds on the understanding of `the learner' from first year and involves the development of basic teaching and curriculum skills. Content areas involved include an assessment and understanding of pupil learning needs and strengths; the investigation of a range of learning organisation patterns such as group work, individual and inquiry-based approaches; knowledge of suitable content at each level; ability to plan appropriately and to use a suitable lesson plan format; the development of classroom management strategies; familiarity with a range of evaluation and assessment techniques suitable for the different areas of the course, including ongoing teacher self-evaluation; developing knowledge and skills in language, mathematics, art, music, physical education and social studies curriculum areas and an ability to relate these to the classroom context in a stimulating, challenging and appropriate manner. This subject includes a field experience component.

Assessment Social studies Assignment (2000 words): 100% + Physical education Three practical tasks: 100% + Music Three practical tasks: 100% + Teaching studies Two assignments (1000 words each): 50% each + Mathematics Assignment (2000 words): 100% + Art Assignment 1 (1500 words): 50%; Assignment 2 (500 words): 50% + Language Assignment 1 (1000 words): 40%; Assignment 2 (1000 words): 60% + Computer studies Two assignments (1000 words each): 50% each

Prescribed texts

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