Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Human growth and development

Associate Professor D H P Harvey

6 points + Full-year subject + Gippsland/Distance

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should understand how children have been studied throughout history; have an understanding of the general stages and rates of the development of the physique and of cognitive abilities; understand how self concepts develop and appreciate the importance of self-esteem in a person's development; have an understanding of how moral thinking and gender issues develop over the life span; know something of the needs of special groups of children, particularly those with disabilities.

Synopsis This subject is about human development. Its major focus will be upon childhood and adolescence but will do this within the context of development across the life span. Consideration will be given to the development of the physique, intellect and language, together with the social and emotional aspects of the individual. Problems in development will also be considered. Subject books provide information to guide readings and preparation for assessment.

Assessment Two essays (1500 words each): 25% each + Final examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

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