Education Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Educational assessment and special instructional approaches in numeracy

Lecturer in charge to be advised

8 points + 2 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed an awareness of the range of special educational issues in mathematics education; an understanding of the major approaches to assessment of special needs in mathematics education; an awareness of the range of instructional procedures possible in mathematics education; the ability to interpret mathematical difficulties and to determine possible helping procedures.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with the interpretation of informal and standardised tests used in diagnosis in special education, and with methods and materials for teaching numeracy and related skills. Areas covered will be selected from explanations of important technical terms, an examination of individual differences such as factors affecting performance in mathematics, error analysis, problem solving, selecting and evaluating instructional materials, teaching strategies, and the use of computers.

Assessment Two assignments (2000 words): 33% + One assignment (4000 words): 67%

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